Crazy Kinetic Delt and Arm Day with the Shorty Bar!

 In Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Triceps

Kinetic Warriors,

Programming your training is a basic element to developing a strong, and fit physique. Which exercises you choose and the rotation in the workout are just as important as how many reps and weight in regards to your goals. Small variables can reap great dividends if used wisely in your training. Indulge me for a moment!

The modern day fitness industry will have you believe that you must over complicate everything.

Your smarter than that, and that’s why your either thinking about starting a kinetic component to your training or you have already and are taking advantage of these free training sessions were sharing in this blog.

What would you say if I told you there is a very simple path to achieving your goals?

Are you ready ?

Can you handle the truth? ” Insert  Jack Nicholson Voice ”

Contrary to the social media gurus and self professed fitness wizards, All you need to successfully achieve your fitness goals are;

1) Commitment
2) Relatively healthy and balanced diet
3) Goal or vision of what you wish to achieve with your training.
4) Well structured training that’s goal oriented.
5) Rest and recovery.
6) Period of assessment and/or re-assessment.

Does that sound familiar? It should be because I didn’t come up with it, I am just repeating the words of qualified experts.

This was the mantra for decades until the so called wizards of fitness found a niche to make a profit selling you all of their super special diets, programs etc. Fitness in a bottle is now mainstream.

Remember when the father of modern bodybuilding ” Arnold ” once said “ Milk is for babies, I drink Beer” ?  I long for the golden era again, sadly though i think its just a fleeting memory.

You can do anything, The real secret ingredient to your success is simply “<strong>HARD WORK.</strong>”<strong> </strong>

If your still reading this I commend you, and for that I am sharing this awesome , awesome pump-tastic workout!

Give this Kinetic Shoulder/Arm day a try and be prepared for a blood smashing pump!

For this session we used the BandBell Shorty Bar, 12” red resistance bands , a 25 pd plate, 35lb and 50lb dumbbell.  That’s it!

<strong>Shoulders/Triceps (4 Sets)</strong>
Do 10- 15 reps per side with 30 Second Static holds per side. 60 reps &amp; 4 Min Static holds.

a) Set 1 – Shorty Bar Side Raise /Front Raise/Press while holding extended 35lb dumbbell 30 seconds per side.

b) Set 2- Shorty Bar Side Raise /Front Raise/ while holding extended 50lb dumbbell 30 seconds per side.

c) Set 3- Shorty Bar Side Raise /Front Raise/Press while holding extended 50lb dumbbell 30 seconds per side. ** Video Example **

d) Set 4- Shorty Bar Side Raise /Front Raise while holding extended 50lb dumbbell 30 seconds per side. *** Video Example ****

<strong>Biceps/Forearms (4 ) Sets</strong>
Do 10 reps per side with 30 second static holds.

e) Set 5- Shorty Bar static hold with a 50lb dumbbell hammer curl 30 seconds per side. ***Video Example* **

f) Set 6- Shorty Bar curls while static holding 25pd plate on a red band palms down for 30 seconds per side. *** Video Example***

g) Set 7- Shorty Bar static hold with a 50lb dumbbell hammer curl 30 seconds per side.

h) Set 8- Shorty Bar curls while static holding 25pd plate on a red band palms down for 30 seconds per side.

i) Sets 9-10 Finish the workout with two sets of wrist curls using the Shorty bar allowing the bar to roll to the fingertips. *** Video Example ***

Put away your weights, pick up your gym bag and exit the gym. Drive home , walk in the door and grab anything that was once alive and now on a plate and consume it! Drink a beverage of your choosing to wash it down. Beer is a fine choice I have to agree with Arnold! 🙂 . That being said if your of the leaner abdominal shredded type then grab that water or weird glycogen drink. For us rounder types a cold brew and pile of Beast is recovery heaven!

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