BandBell Developer

With nearly 35 year’s experience in Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, Resistance Training and now Oscillating Kinetic Energy (OKE) program development, I’m proud to say I began sports as a high school gymnast and went on to letter three-years at The Ohio State University on scholarship. Graduating with a degree in physiology and anatomy, I completed two-years of graduate school in exercise physiology at OSU.
Not long after college, I was fortunate enough to begin training with Louie Simmons and became one of the original founding members of Westside Barbell. Using Powerlifting as the basis for successful Bodybuilding, I won twelve physique titles including Mr. Ohio, Mr. Great Lakes Open, Mr. Mid-East Open and Mr. USA. I also went on to earn two Elite classifications in Powerlifting and was the only national-level bodybuilder to earn this distinction.
Of course, many years of serious training instills a great deal of respect for exercise in general, and weight training in particular. Resistance training, as the research shows today, is one of the best ways to stay healthy and strong over the long term, but it can also lead to its share of problems – mainly in the form of setbacks due to injury. The early lifters learned how to fix their own problems. They had to – there wasn’t much in the way of sophisticated therapy at the time. In my case, after thirty years of non-stop training and competition, I was bound to have problems at some point in time, and that time came in early 2005 by way of a serious shoulder injury. This lead to the development of the BandBell Bar and the use of OKE to heal, strengthen and protect the integrity of the joint.
The BandBell project has lead to the development of other unique ideas that will be added to our website. Hopefully, they too will make an important contribution to the world of health, fitness and athletics as we strive to make a real difference in people’s lives through the miracle of Oscillating Kinetic Energy.